ISO 31000 Risk Management Foundation

ISO 31000 Introduction training course enables you to comprehend the basic concepts of Risk Management.

By attending the ISO 31000 Introduction course, you will understand the importance of Risk Management and the benefits that businesses, society and governments can obtain.

Course Information

ISO 31000 Risk Management Foundation

The ISO 31000 Foundation training course presents the basic principles and approaches of managing risks and opportunities based on the guidelines of ISO 31000. This training course focuses on the main components of ISO 31000: basic terms and definitions, principles of risk management, risk management framework, and risk management process. In addition, each step of the risk management process is analyzed and elaborated individually.

  • Risk management professionals
  • Individuals seeking to gain knowledge about the ISO 31000 guidelines for risk management principles, framework, and process
  • Individuals responsible for the creation and protection of value in an organization
  • Personnel tasked with managing the risks and opportunities in their area of responsibility
  • Individuals interested to pursue a career as a risk manager

Day 1: Introduction to risk management, ISO 31000 components, and initiation of the risk management process

Day 2: Risk assessment, risk treatment, recording and reporting, monitoring and review, and communication and consultation according to ISO 31000


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