Managed Services

Retainers – Long-term Managed Consultancy Services

Welcome to our Managed Consultancy Services, where we understand the challenges faced by Corporates, SMEs, Ministries, Governments, and Agencies in effectively managing their risk functions.

Research shows that 80% of SMEs lack sufficient capacity in risk management disciplines, while 70% of government entities lack the right skill base to implement risk management adequately. To bridge this gap, we offer to be your outsourced managed service risk provider, delivering specialized solutions in information security, data protection, risk management, and business continuity.

Our Managed Consultancy Services offer the following benefits:

  1. Expertise: By partnering with us, you gain access to a team of trained experts who will make your risk management programs effective. We provide the needed assurance to your stakeholders that your critical risks are being managed efficiently.
  2. Stability: We manage people-related disruptions that may affect your key programs, ensuring staff availability and uninterrupted support.
  3. Visibility: With our services, you can have adequate visibility and tracking of your risk management progress, enabling you to assess where you stand and the improvements made over time.
  4. Cost Control: Our cost-effective solutions help you manage operational and administrative costs related to people and tools, allowing you to optimize your resources.

Our Managed Consultancy Services encompass the following unique capabilities:

  • Data Protection as a Service: We help you build and maintain a robust data protection framework, ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations.
  • Information Security as a Service: Our experts design and implement comprehensive information security measures to protect your critical assets.
  • Enterprise Risk as a Service: We assist in developing and managing a holistic enterprise risk management approach, mitigating potential risks and enhancing organizational resilience.
  • Business Continuity as a Service: Our services include developing and maintaining business continuity plans to ensure your business can recover swiftly from disruptions.
  • Cyber Shield: Our comprehensive cybersecurity offering provides a shield of protection against cyber threats, bolstering your cybersecurity posture.

We help you :

  • Develop or expand your risk function focused on our core disciplines info security, data protection, risk, and Business Continuity
  • Augment existing resources especially where the growing needs of the organizational context demand it

At Sentinel Africa, we are committed to delivering tailored and long-term solutions to augment your risk function and address your organization’s growing needs.

Make us your trusted partner in managing your risk landscape efficiently and effectively, empowering you to focus on achieving your strategic objectives with confidence.


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